Consumer Markets: Allegheny Co.- 2000

Since taking a Sociology of Marriage class in undergrad, I tend to look at populations with bias toward the difficulty of college students to meet a life-long partner in this city. 40% of the population is either under 18 or over 65. When you factor in 45-64 year olds (who are either already married or considered too old for a relationship with a college student), that makes a majority, 60%, ineligible. At first glimpse, the age distribution may seem favorable to college-aged women since they tend to date up in age, since the median is 35.7. However, this is a case of misuse of statistics. When searching for a mate, or targeting consumers of your business, the more important parameters are mean age group and age distribution. The exact age is irrelevant. Businesses don’t market toward one specific age, so the graphical representation of age classes is much more useful.

A lot of these statistics seem very vague and I find it hard to generalize the characteristics of any age group.

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