1. People they serve come first
2. Corporate social responsibility
3. High quality, low costs
4. Respect employees- globall
5. Good citizens- protect community, HEW, environment
6. Responsibility to create profit and return for stockholders
The first thing I thought of when reading the first line to the Credo is the opposition of businesses priority. Southwest Airlines is renowned for their customer service without compensating cost. Without knowing SW’s business strategy, one may think that the customer is number one and that all operations are focused on the passengers. Of course I was “businessly inexperienced” when I learned of SW’s equivalent of a Credo, but I expected what everyone else did- the same number one as J&J. Quite frankly I was wrong. The airline really burst my bubble by claiming that their employees come first. I found this to be a very interesting strategy and it totally changed my perspective of customer service.
I am focusing on Southwest as opposed to the Johnson & Johnson credo because of how much the two companies differ in values and approach. J&J seems to have a very typical list of superiority, but it must work. They manufacture countless products and are successful still today, after 100 years of operating. Southwest on the other hand views their business from a unique perspective. . . take a look at their mission statement:
The Mission of Southwest Airlines
The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit.
To Our Employees
We are committed to provide our Employees a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth. Creativity and innovation are encouraged for improving the effectiveness of Southwest Airlines. Above all, Employees will be provided the same concern, respect, and caring attitude within the organization that they are expected to share externally with every Southwest Customer.
1. Employees come first
2. Treat employees=customers
3. Quality in service, not product
Applying what I learned about SW’s customer service strategy in pharmacy school (going back to my last entry, it is apparent that pharmacy and business do mesh), I can fill in the gaps. The company is built around one prototypical aircraft carrier and runs short flights. They do not differentiate themselves from competitors by elaborate planes or advanced features. Rather by enthusiastic, fun, friendly staff that provide the most excellent customer service. SW believes that:
Happy employees >happy customers >happy shareholders.
Johnson & Johnson rely on outstanding products to provide their customers with a satisfying experience. This brings me to my next analysis of the “Credo” in comparison to the Southwest way. The two companies have very different target populations. J&J’s products are geared toward improving jobs or making tasks easier. Their products, for example in an operating room, must be of extremely high quality and reliable without the risk of failure. Customers use J&J products on a daily basis, often without thought, only taking notice in the event of malfunction or failure. SW serves travelers whom more often than not are already happier (because they are on vacation or at least away from work) than the J&J customer who is on the job. They are ready to have a good time and will try to make the best of any unwelcoming situation. Right away, I ask, does SW even have to try to please the customer? As long as they make it to their destination safely and in a timely manner, SW has provided quality service.
The following is my employer’s mission statement:
Walgreens Mission Statement
We will treat each other with respect and dignity
and do the same for all we serve.
We will offer employees of all backgrounds a place to build careers.
We will provide the most convenient access
to healthcare services and consumer goods in America.
We will earn the trust of our customers and
build shareholder value.
1. Its not a “credo” as per the lengthy one provided by Johnson & Johnson. It’s simple. I would call it a compilation of the company’s values rather than a “mission”.
2. There is no mention of customer service. In fact, the phrase is not included anywhere in the statement.
3. Because Walgreen’s prides themselves in and has been built from their pharmacies, they focus on delivering those particular services first, and then other products.
4. Instead of guaranteeing their customers service, the company wants to have an even deeper relationship through qualities that we look for in our family or friends- respect, dignity, and trust.
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